diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index b25e901..8ff04d8 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ **Summits On The Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas.** -This repository contains the list of summits in .csv format, published on the [SOTA database](https://www.sotadata.org.uk/en/summits) site. - The main SOTA website is [here](https://www.sota.org.uk/). -See also the [charts](https://sites.google.com/christophedavid.org/on6zq-sota-charts/home) showing the evolution of SOTA since its creation. +This repository contains the list of summits in .csv format, published on the [SOTA database](https://www.sotadata.org.uk/en/summits) site. +Individual changes are liste [here](https://www.on6zq.be/w/index.php/SOTA/SOTAdiff). +See also the [charts](https://sites.google.com/christophedavid.org/on6zq-sota-charts/home) showing the evolution of SOTA since its creation. \ No newline at end of file